Which project shall I choose next?
Here we are, near the beginning of a new year! If you’re like me, you’ve just recently finished a whirlwind of holiday sewing. There were gifts for family, gifts for teachers, holiday outfits, pjs, and the occasional sew for yourself you just HAD to squeeze in. Exhausting? Yep. Completely fulfilling and totally worth it? Absolutely! Once that’s over, though, do you ever stare at your hoard (I mean stash) of fabric and notions and goodies and wonder what to do next?

Here’s an example of some project planning. I still hope to use some of these ideas in the future!
January is a great time to plan out your sewing year! Well, ok…year may be a bit ambitious, at least in super specific planning. But, I do like to think ahead and get a general idea of what I’d like to accomplish. I, of course, sew for the season and do outfits for my children in various holiday and seasonal fabric throughout the year. I generally plan by event as well. Let’s take a look at some ideas, and some Ellie and Mac patterns you could check out to compliment your sewing year.

I’m excited to try the Claudia Cubic bag and Hydro Water Bottle Sling this year.
First things first: there’s usually a project or two that I’ve had on my radar that I really want to dive right into after the holidays. Sometimes I’ll do this project after Christmas but while still on break - you know the one, that thing that you wanted to sew two months ago when you were in the middle of Halloween costumes. For me, that’s usually a slower sew, sometimes a bag. I’ve been eyeing the Claudia Cubic bag pattern since it released! I haven’t had a chance to sew it yet. Another Ellie and Mac pattern on my list to try is the Hydro Water Bottle Sling Carrier. It would be perfect to sew this time of year to be ready for the warmer weather ahead.

Two Discoverer Tees from last year’s Disney trip
Once I’ve sewn that thing that’s been on my mind, I usually look ahead to any big trips my family is planning for the year. Last year, we went to Disney in April and my husband and I went to Iceland in July. I sewed SO many items for each trip (including lots of Discoverer Tees for the kids, a great pattern for panels). I did those sews early, and because of that I had very little stress sewing to do right before we left for each trip. This year, we don’t have anything quite so monumental. I’ll probably check out the swimsuit patterns for summer fun!

Throughout the year, there’s birthday gifts to consider! My children have several friends with birthdays in the early part of the year, and they often help me pick fabric for gifts for them. I’m using the Discoverer Tee right now for a birthday party next weekend. Patterns with a looser or oversized fit would make great giftable choices as well, especially if you don’t have access to the recipient’s measurements. The Oversized Tee patterns would be great for this!

Halloween Pjs from this past season - Discoverer Tees with applique and Kids Joggers

My last two big categories for the year are Halloween costumes and Christmas! The patterns for Halloween costumes could be endless, depending on your character, but this past year I used the Kids Joggers for ice cream cone pants for my children. I used Discoverer Tees and the Kids Joggers for Halloween Pjs as well. Christmas sewing, for me, includes both Christmas pjs and gifts. The Spa Day robes would be perfect with Christmas pjs, and the free Classic Pjs and Nightgown and Kids Grow With Me pjs offers lots of choices for the whole family.. Ellie and Mac has so many giftable patterns as well. I want to try the Brianna Built-In Oven Mitt Apron for my grandpa this year.

My planning notebook, project notebook, and calendar - do you use any of these?
I usually have a rough plan in my head as I move throughout the year, but there are many tools out there if you prefer to write down your plans! I have a small notebook that I sometimes sketch ideas in. A calendar, either digital or on paper, would be great for writing in events or projects you’d like to complete by a certain date. I’ve also seen several ‘color as you sew’ papers. Some encourage you to sew certain types of items and can help expand your project repertoire.
How will you approach sewing this year? Are you a planner or one who decides as you go? Whichever you prefer, Ellie and Mac has just the pattern you need to make your vision come to life!
(Written by: Megan Harvey)