Hi everyone,
Here is Lesley alias Frullemieke from the blog https://frullemieke.blogspot.be again.
Today I’m gonna show you how to make a cute heart applique on a store bought or sewed t-shirt.
I combined the t-shirt with a Madison Skirt 😊
And now we move on to the tutorial.
Requirements: a t-shirt, a piece of fabric, paper application and interfacing
Cut the heart out of the facing
Iron interfacing to the back of the heart
Turn the shirt inside out and pin the application on the T-shirt
Sew surround the heart with a sturdy stitch (I used a small zigzag stitch)
Sew parallel lines across the heart
Cut the fabric open between the stitched lines
And this is the result 😊
So cute <3, She likes it!
Would you like to see more creations from me?
Visit my blog: https://frullemieke.blogspot.com/
and like me on Instagram: www.instagram.com/frullemieke