Getting Smart with a Command Center

Getting Smart with a Command Center

In this generation we have all sorts of modern day devices, smart phones, smart watches, smart TVs, smart computers and tablets..even smart cars. All of which are designed to make your life easier. The technology can be set up to alert you for everything and anything. If we, in this generation can get smart about scheduling Dr. appointments, PTA meetings, kids sports games etc, why not get smart in our sewing space as well.Make our space work efficiently,to make our lives easier.

Getting Smart with a Command Center

In this generation we have all sorts of modern day devices, smart phones, smart watches, smart TVs, smart computers and tablets..even smart cars. All of which are designed to make your life easier. The technology can be set up to alert you for everything and anything. If we, in this generation can get smart about scheduling Dr. appointments, PTA meetings, kids sports games etc, why not get smart in our sewing space as well.Make our space work efficiently,to make our lives easier.

I love to sew it is a passion and a gift, I didn't know I had inside me. I have only been sewing for one year and I am completely self taught. I happen to be a very avid tester. I want to know everything, and build my skill set, so I sign up for every single test. Technology is great but it has its flaws here are a few examples I believe you can relate to. First, devices can be scheduled to alert you when to start tests, and or projects but as you know at times facebook can go all wonky and  from time to time you lose the alerts from the group from ever changing algorithms. Better yet, How many times have everyone us had an “uh-oh accident” with our smart device and lost all info that was not backed up to a drive or cloud? And lastly, waiting for connection to tell you what you need to do.

To keep myself on track and prevent with overlapping too many tests, fit and final deadlines I found a hanging wall command center helps. A simple write it down, and glancing at my command center keeps me on track and focused. I love a functional, organized space but most importantly I love for my family to also know when my deadlines are. This is a great communication tool.

Here are a few Items I recommend for a wall hanging command center.

  • Calendar
  • Clock
  • Expo board/bulletin board or
  • 8x10 and 5x7  photo frames
  • Basic hanging equipment
  • Mail file sorter and file folders
  • Clips

Sewing Organizational Blog

Please check out for FREE organizational printables.

Printable Measurement Chart For Sewing Patterns has a great FREE printables Measurement chart for family and customers.

Printable Free Measurement Chart for Sewing Patterns Coloring Pages for Kids

And, also, have free measurement printables that your children can color.

This idea is great you can print and place in an 8x10 photo frame and write atop the glass with a chalk marker or an expo marker. Hang your families measurements right on the wall and can easily be updated and glanced at while sitting at your desk surfing the net, preparing your next sew.

The Conventional wall calendar works great, but I found a great 17”x 23” aluminum dry erase/cork board/magnetic board on Amazon for only $16.40. The size was perfect for fitting in my tiny space and it came with everything I needed. Plus no added paper waste..simply erase and rewrite for the following month.

Wall mounted  Calendar dry erase board

This board was manufactured by The Board Dudes, But search for what will suit your space.

You can also find the wall mounted mail sorter and folders on Amazon as well. I’m always trying to find new ways to make my life a little easier, when I took this leap into my sewing room, what a difference it made. No more disheveled mess, searching and losing valuable time. With an investment of a few dollars, you will notice a shift of positivity. Time is precious, let’s all get smart and organized with a command center. Please share yours I’d love to see your Command creations.


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